Thursday, July 21, 2016

Yep – It’s All About Freedom!

The one fundamental characteristic that defines Americans is freedom.  It was for freedom that millions have been coming to these shores for close to 500 years now.

It was for freedom that settlers and pioneers braved danger, disease, disaster, deprivation, and death – for even the promise of future freedom.

Over the centuries, Americans have fought for our, and much of the world’s, freedom on battlefields all over the planet.  America’s armies were never conquering tyrants, but liberating partners.

We fought the greatest military in the world for the freedom of self-government.

We fought each other bloody to grant freedom to all – regardless of race.

We fought atheist tyranny that sought to place men in God’s rightful position – and liberated Europe and the Pacific in the process.

We even fought a Cold War against creeping humanism – disguised as a benevolent collective – but in reality was brutal oppression.

Over the past several decades, we’ve been fighting an ongoing war at home – a war for the heart and soul of America – a war with an insidious enemy who wears the cloak of respectability, but brings only despair, destruction, and death.

Those who hate Americans’ self-rule have infested every institution we have – schools, churches, governments, news and entertainment media.  They are relentless, ruthless, and absolutely amoral in their efforts for domination over American life.

They use buzz words like “tolerance”, “diversity”, and “political correctness.”  Yet, they are absolute fascists – condemning and attempting to silence everyone brave enough to challenge their lies.

Far too many Americans have fallen asleep on the freedom front.  They no longer understand government by “We The People.”  Instead, they prefer to let “experts” tell them what to believe and how to live.

In exchange for “bread and circuses” they are willing to sell our national soul to the wolves trussed up to look like grandmother.

America is falling apart today because we are losing our God-given blessing of freedom that so many who came before us died to create and defend.

We are losing our freedoms because we have made ourselves slaves to our passions instead of practicing restraint for the sake of both our souls and our society.

We are losing our freedom to think, reason, and discover because we have no standards by which to live and it has made us imbeciles – both intellectually and morally.

We are losing our freedom of self-rule because we have granted thieves, liars, and con men access to our halls of power with little or no accountability.

The list could go on and on, but you get the point – freedom is dying in America (and, by extension, the rest of the world).

Yet, in his speech at the Republican Convention, Ted Cruz had it exactly right – it is all about freedom – real freedom with the responsibility to love that comes with it.

Personally, because I cherish freedom, I have now left the Republican Party after the gross fascism displayed by both the RNC establishment and the Trump campaign.

Using tactics until now only employed by Democrats, the so-called leaders shut out both Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Conscience at the Convention.

I cannot tolerate and will not support such a ghastly organization the Republican Party has now become.  If this is what Trump has brought to the Party, he can have it – I want nothing further to do with this tyranny.

This was also truly illustrated during Cruz’s speech when, on cue - just like trained seals, Trump’s “enforcers” began booing Cruz because he didn’t endorse their idol in his speech.

Nope – no Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Conscience in that lot.

Sorry, I have no desire to support a right-wing fascist any more than I do to support a radical left-wing one.

Using my Freedom of Association (also one of the 1st Amendment’s guaranteed Freedoms), I have disassociated myself from what used to be the Party of Lincoln.

It may be one of the few freedoms I have left in America, but I will exercise it as I see fit.

Should the Party recover from its current madness, I will return.  If not, I will be part of what rises from the ashes.

That is the beautiful thing about Freedom.  It may be denied.  It may be delayed.  It may be derailed.  But, it can never be extinguished.  It is part of our DNA in America.

It is part of our essential Christian, Reformation faith.

It is part of logical reality for all human beings – a deep inner yearning that is essential to a healthy, well-adjusted life.

Freedom, those who have come before us clearly understood, is worth dying for.

No sacrifice is too great to preserve it. 

If America is to survive, it will be because freedom returns to our everyday life – our churches, our schools, our government, and our neighborhoods.

If freedom is quenched, so will the bright flame that has been America be extinguished from the world.

If mankind trades its soul for illusory comfort, security, and pleasure – all given by the hands of an omnipotent-wannabe state – then the end will be upon us.

The Biblical Apocalypse will come to pass when all the world jettisons freedom and worships “strange gods” rather than the real Author of our freedom.

But these things need not happen yet if we have a renaissance of freedom in America.  We can restore that which we have lost if we have the will, the determination, and put forth the hard work of rebuilding this ideal.

It won't be easy, cheap or quick; but it can happen as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow.
So, we must hang on to our freedom!  Cherish it!  Defend it!  Practice it!  Spread it!

Real Americans, one and all, love freedom more than any politician, political party, celebrity, or any other empty promises by someone selling something to the gullible.

Yep, in the end – It’s All About Freedom!!

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