Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How a Pornographer and an Ex-Klan Member Destroyed America

As we look around today, we seem to be seeing more and more lawlessness at all levels of our society.  From police being savagely gunned down to a major party Presidential candidate being let off the hook for real crimes she committed, it seems like everywhere we turn we can’t find any law and order anymore in America.

Now, corruption in governments is as old as humanity, so there is perhaps no easy answer to the current antinomian behavior we see flourishing like weeds in our Constitutional Republic.

But, is there an event or series of events that has taken the current moral crisis to new heights in our land?

An argument could be made that there is one distinct event that has sped up our “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” – to borrow Judge Robert Bork’s title.

One failed moment in America’s recent history has given us, directly and indirectly, much of the Pandora’s Box of immorality we see today.

This event happened in February of 1999.  It took place in the U.S. Senate.  It was there that the Impeachment trial of sitting President – William Jefferson Blythe Clinton – came to an end. 

The Senate voted and fell a few votes short of the required 67 votes needed to remove Clinton from office.

Clinton, only the second sitting U.S. President to be Impeached, survived the trial to finish his second term.  The rest, as they say, is history.

But, what historians often fail to remember is just how close Clinton came to removal.  And, many of the historical revisionists fail to emphasize just how damaging Clinton’s “escape” has been for the rule of law in America.

Let’s review what happened for just a bit and see if the full picture comes into view.  And, after understanding history, let’s see if we can’t see the real-life consequences this event is having on today’s society.

Bill Clinton has been surrounded by scandals his entire public life.  He and Hillary have dodged legal bullet after legal bullet to continue their corruption crusade deep into American culture.

I won’t take the time here to repeat the myriad of scandals the Clintons have regularly been mired within.  But, let’s just suffice it to say the list is long, seedy, and tragic for America and the countless victims the Clintons have left in their wake.

Getting to the Impeachment – Clinton committed perjury and obstruction of justice during sworn testimony in one of his many scandals.

The U.S. House of Representatives was able to get these two Articles of Impeachment filed against Mr. Clinton in December of 1998.

As per Constitutional requirements, the Articles of Impeachment were brought by the House.  The trial was to be conducted in the U.S. Senate.  Since it was the President on trial, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – William Rehnquist – presided.

As the trial progressed, it became apparent that Clinton was, in fact, guilty of the charges against him.

The liberal media (back then there was little conservative media) furiously defended Clinton’s behavior by stating that he may have been guilty of perjury, but since it was just lying about one of his many sexual affairs, it really wasn’t that bad.

The 55 Republicans in the Senate couldn’t remove Clinton by themselves; they needed support from a number of Democrats.

This is where the Clinton “sleaze machine” went to work.

Sometime after Clinton assumed office back in the early 90s, a huge number of confidential FBI files disappeared.  Many of these files were of members of Congress.

Mysteriously, they were later found in Hillary Clinton’s White House bedroom closet.

This meant the Clintons “had dirt” on any members of Congress with secrets to hide from the public and their constituents.

But, the Clintons couldn’t be seen as the ones extorting members of the Senate for an acquittal.  No, they needed an intermediary to put the necessary pressure on any weak-kneed Democrats who might just vote to remove Clinton.

So, what did the Clintons do?  They turned to their long-time friend – seedy pornographer Larry Flynt of Hustler magazine – and had him threaten to “expose” members of the Senate who likewise were having affairs – similar to Clinton’s.

Who knows how many Senators changed their votes because of this threat?  History may never know, but it was a main play by the Clintons to escape removal and permanent humiliation in American History.

Yet, even with Flint’s threatened exposure; there still was a chance that enough Democrats would seek to preserve their careers by not being seen as condoning Clinton’s behavior.

One such Senator – West Virginia’s senior Senator and former “Exalted Cyclops” of the Ku Klux Klan – Robert Byrd – was ready to do just that. 

Byrd had his speech all written calling for Clinton to resign.  It was in his pocket as he made his way to the well of the Senate to deliver it.

But, somewhere along the way, Byrd “was gotten to” – he never did give the speech that would have provided cover for many other Democrats to follow his lead and vote to remove Clinton.

Since all the Democrat Senators were cowered into “Clinton submission”, the trial ended with acquittal – falling short of the two-thirds vote needed because of the lack of Democrat votes.

Now, the question is – how has this “destroyed” America?

After their escape, the Clintons became emboldened – they were above the law and they knew it.

Once they left office, Bill and Hill extorted hundreds of millions of dollars from businesses, foreign governments, and left-wing political and charitable organizations.

Hillary moved to New York and, after JFK, Jr. died in a small plane crash, she ran for Senate.  She used her leverage in the Senate to get Bill multi-million dollar speaking engagements and laid the groundwork for her own run for the Presidency.

The lingering resentment to the Clintons by Democrats they used reared its ugly head in 2008 with the emergence of an unknown, freshman Illinois Senator – Barack Obama – who successfully challenged Hillary for the Presidency.

But, the Clintons “kept their powder dry” and continued building their empire until Hillary’s latest run for power.

It is absolutely no coincidence that Bill Clinton was the one who encouraged Donald Trump to run for the Republican nomination for the Presidency opposite Hillary.

Clinton realized that Trump was at least a very beatable opponent – given his sordid past.  At best, Trump would be a “bull in a china shop” – destroying much of the Republican Party and taking down dozens of Republican members of Congress and the Senate with him.

Trump has either had his ego fed by the Clintons or they have offered him greater wealth and power after they come back into office.

Perhaps, since Trump refuses to release his taxes, his true financial situation may be desperate and the Clintons have offered to make his money problems “go away.”

This whole Clinton/Trump mess we have today is a direct result of the Senate’s failure to remove Clinton back in 1999.

In addition, this lawlessness we see today is also the direct result of “Slick Willie beating the rap.”  If the President can get away with breaking the laws he swore to uphold, why should anyone else have to obey the law?

 Hillary’s most recent “escape from justice” will only pour gasoline on the flames of anarchy in this country.

And, please don’t think that if Trump was somehow to get elected that he will pursue prosecution against Hillary for her crimes against the nation.  Nope.  They are pals!  He will feel a sense of obligation to the Clintons for their aid.

Finally, the other great tragedy associated with the Clinton Impeachment acquittal is the dulled sense of morality it cast over the nation.

Sexual immorality was now no longer immoral.  Anything could now be allowed.

The radical homosexual rights movement was unleashed from obscurity and pushed into the main stream.

The “gender-confused” have become the latest group to struggle for “civil rights” – a huge slap in the face of those who were genuinely discriminated against.

Abortion on demand became more necessary because of “sexual liberation.”

And, the power of government has been harnessed to push the pedophile agenda that is convincing children in grammar schools the myth of “gender fluidity.”

Can all this mess be turned around? 

Even prominent members of the evangelical Church today are willing to look the other way when it comes to Trump’s pagan behavior.  Left-wing clergy view Hillary as the latest, greatest idol of the age.

Who knows?

It will take men and women of courage to stand against the tide of fraud, filth, and tyranny if the Republic is to survive.  This may include a number of martyrs along the way.

But, if it doesn’t, we have a pornographer and an ex-KKK member to thank for its demise.

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