Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Abolition of Man . . . Continues

In 1943, the great Christian apologist and philosopher – C.S. Lewis – published a small but significant work entitled The Abolition of Man.  In Abolition, Lewis argued that unless any society has some kind of objective standards for reality, that society will soon crash in upon itself.

In his day, Lewis was lamenting the direction modern education was taking in ill-preparing the next generation to lead the world and build society.

One wonders how Lewis would view our modern world in the almost three-quarters of a century since his writing.

If nothing else, what we see all around us today only confirms the prophetic nature of Lewis’ observations.

Since the western world has largely abandoned the Judeo-Christian world view, a huge vacuous void has resulted and logic, reason, and intelligence have all become casualties of the absurd.

The most recent controversy about “transgendered” individuals (read “gender confused”) using the public bathrooms of the “sex” to which they identify as opposed to what their very DNA defines them is a potent, recent example.

Of course, Hollywood, the national media, and the radical left in the country have gotten on the bandwagon of this new faux “civil right.”

Perverts, pedophiles, and radical anarchists are rejoicing everywhere.  People will now be forced to allow these degenerates access to children and women in the most vulnerable of circumstances.

And, the new “celebrity elite” will never see the toll of tragedies that will result because of their on-going worship of “tolerance.”

But, we now live in a world where rationality, common sense, and decency are long-forgotten “buzz words” of a bygone era.

This is the only feasible explanation for the rise of both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump – millions of brainless, emotional, fanatical commitments to dubious individuals that just a decade ago would have been laughed off most stages anywhere in the country (well perhaps not on many college campuses).

The p.c. definition of these deluded masses is “low information voters.”  What they really are is highly akin to the past few decades term – “groupies.”

Just as young, teen-age girls used to swoon over Elvis and the Beatles, now we see supposedly rational adults swooning over the “celebrity” Presidential candidates that are next to absolutely clueless about any important issues a U.S. President will be facing in the modern, dangerous, complex world.

Maybe Trump and Sanders should form a ticket?

Talk about bringing on a “Zombie Apocalypse”!

Thankfully, America still has a percentage of rational people who are thoughtful about the future direction our country needs to take in order to survive.

Many of these people still hold to the Judeo/Christian worldview and their brains are still intact. (Although, a sad percentage of the “evangelical” church have paid 30 pieces of silver and sold their souls to buy “Trump Kool-Aid.”)

But, for those who haven’t, this election is of the utmost importance.  The very survival of America is at stake.

If America’s future is to include leering perverts who have exchanged rain coats for high heels and plus-size dresses in Ladies’ rooms all across the land, then America will die a sad and sorrowful death – ending up just a clicking footnote on the tongues of future historians.

For those of us who refuse to “go slowly into the night”, this election means far more than just network ratings and massive phony Twitter campaigns.

Our government is all but broken – thoroughly infested with the profane, the incompetent, and the corrupt.  We must make radical changes now if we want to have any remaining semblance of freedom.

The only real choice for President to challenge the status quo and restore Constitutional sanity is Ted Cruz.

Far from being a demagogue, Cruz is simply the mouthpiece of the informed masses seeking survival of America’s greatness. (Similar to Rush Limbaugh being the voice of informed American patriots for over two decades.)

Barack Obama (and the Clintons before him) have done all they could to destroy all that was best about America.

The self-god of socialism has been their master; a master they are hell-bent on forcing on all of us.

But, a stubbornly Constitutionally-committed President Cruz will work tirelessly to turn the current “race to oblivion” around and set things right again.

Our Constitution has always worked whenever it was followed, debated, and even altered legally.  It is only since it has been ignored, violated, and demeaned that America has suffered such grievous problems as we now face.

The reason for our success as a nation has been because the Constitution embodies the Judeo/Christian world view fleshed out and put into practice.  It presupposes a foundation of Biblical Law and Truth.

Despite what brainless, atheist, historians might attempt to assert, the American Constitution cannot be divorced from the dominant world view of its day – that of Protestant Biblical Christianity.

This then is the key to saving the culture – a return to the objective reality the Bible declares and the Constitution embraces.

If we don’t want the next wave of “culture wars” to normalize things like incest, bestiality, and other all sorts of weirdness, we have to demand standards that trump “tolerance.”

And, we need to have a President who “gets it”; not demagogues who can’t stop looking at themselves in the mirror long enough to see reality for what it actually is.

If America doesn’t elect Ted Cruz in 2016, it will be time for Don Meredith to sing, “Turn out the lights, the party’s over.”

Let us hope and pray that C.S. Lewis’ assertions in The Abolition of Man were a warning and not an evening news report.


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