Saturday, April 9, 2016

Ted Cruz – The Complete Conservative

It has been some time since a conservative candidate for President has come along that has had both the breadth of experience and the depth of character to be considered a “complete conservative.”

Not since the days of Ronald Reagan have we had a “head and shoulders above the rest” kind of candidate to support for the most powerful job in the world.

In the past several elections, conservatives (both fiscal and social) have had only semi-complete candidates from which to choose.  George W. Bush came the closest, but even he fell short of Reagan’s stature in a number of areas.

After Bush, conservatives looked at a number of possibilities:  Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio and the Pauls – just to name a few.

But, each one of these potential Presidents fell short in one area or another in presenting a complete package of leadership necessary to be another Reagan.

Huckabee, a former Governor and ordained minister, had some executive experience and solid values.  But, he lacked foreign policy experience and flirted with a few liberal policies during his tenure as Governor of Arkansas.  He was rejected this most recent campaign season due to his muddy involvement with Common Core – that left-wing federal take-over of education that doesn’t work.

Both Cain and Carson brought “outsider” status to their respective races.  They were successful in their careers and demonstrated some leadership abilities.  But, they both were sorely lacking in foreign policy knowledge, let alone experience.

Cain knew little about the Balkans and Carson confused a Palestinian terrorist organization – Hamas – with a Middle Eastern food dish – hummus.

In addition, they both committed “amateur” mistakes in their campaigns that led to their failures.  Cain failed to stop the Obama/Axelrod smear accusation brought on by a “paid-off” woman who lived in Alexrod’s building.

Carson blundered in Iowa by sending signals that he was not going to continue campaigning after the Primary.  He then continued to whine about his outcome after his self-inflicted wound.

Rubio, at one time viewed as a growing star in the conservative universe, severely damaged his political future by compromising and going along with far-left Democrats in attempting to promote amnesty for illegal aliens in America.

Santorum damaged his political career by a crushing re-election bid loss for the Senate in 2006.  A two-term Senator should not get blown out the way Santorum was, but such is what happens when a “political entitlement” mentality sets in.

Both Pauls are conservative enough, but they are also isolationists when it comes to the rest of the world.  When Ron Paul thought that Iran should get a nuke if they wanted one in a 2012 debate, he forever lost the bulk of conservative support he might have had.  Rand has made some similar statements that have hurt him with the voters.

Nope.  None of these former “also-rans” was the whole package conservatives crave and America needs.

But, that is no longer the case this election.  We do have one candidate who truly embodies all that it means to be a conservative, American patriot.

That man is Ted Cruz.

This is why he has been attacked by both parties with more furor than any other candidate in modern history.  And yet, his composure and focus have remained intact as he marches steadily toward the nomination.

But for those who may have forgotten, or may not know, here are some of Cruz’s bona fides to assume the mantle of Reagan and be a great American President.

Cruz has fought his whole entire life for the American people and the U.S. Constitution.  No other candidate has such a pedigree.  No other candidate is as much an expert on America’s foundational documents.

Cruz has the good kind of government experience needed to right America’s listing “ship of state.”

He has proven his beliefs and values, not just espoused them.  He has fought for American freedoms in federal courts and the U.S. Senate. 

It was Cruz who defended the 2nd Amendment before the Supreme Court in the Heller case – a fundamental victory for private gun ownership in America.

Cruz fought and won 1st Amendment victories in the courts as well.  Texas maintains its 10 Commandments monument on the Capitol grounds because of Cruz.

Cruz defied the Bush Administration in a fight over national sovereignty before the Supreme Court to demand that U.S. law is sovereign over the wishes of the U.N.  He won that battle for all of us.

Cruz, as Texas’ Solicitor General, has had state-level government experience and understands and supports the 10th Amendment’s limitation on federal power.

Cruz, as a sitting U.S. Senator, also understands the roles and responsibilities of the federal government.  And, he has not been shy about protecting Americans’ rights to the dismay of the Senate “dinosaurs” who care more about their pensions and legacies than they do the American people.

He has consistently opposed the Obama radical agenda; even when his fellow “Republicans” have crumbled like melting glaciers before the glaring media spotlights.

Cruz has stood up for our military and veterans; not with phony rallies and unfulfilled promises of donations, but with real actions.

When Obama’s Iranian-born advisor – Valerie Jarrett - ordered veterans’ memorials closed to punish America for supporting Cruz’s stand to shut the government down in order to stop Obamacare, Cruz was one of the members of Congress out on the National Mall removing barricades so WWII vets on “Honor Flights” would have access to what is rightfully theirs.

Cruz has proposed a rational economic plan to reverse decades of government waste, fraud, and abuse.

His simple flat tax and the abolition of the abusive, political IRS are both conservative dreams.

His call for the end to federal education meddling and the cancellation of Common Core are music to the ears of all parents wanting their children to succeed in whatever school choice they prefer.

Cruz is a champion of the unborn and has called for the immediate defunding of Planned Parenthood – the national leading slaughterer of babies in the womb.  He has also called for the investigation into Planned Parenthood’s dead baby organ trafficking scheme.

As a graduate of a private Christian secondary school, Cruz warmly supports school choice – much to the chagrin of the Democrat Party’s fund-raising arm – the teachers’ unions.

Cruz has called the drafting of women into combat and the use of girls’ bathrooms by the “gender-confused” as “crazy.”

His time working for the Federal Trade Commission makes him an expert on job creation, international trade, and reduction of onerous government regulation of businesses to increase both jobs and wages.

His personal life is sane and normal; sleaze lies by political opponents with no morality of their own aside.

His educational pedigree is unchallenged – having distinguished himself in the nation’s best universities.

The list could go on and on.  But, the bottom line is this – America has only one choice to make for President if we want to fix the messes created by the smarmy Clintons, the compromised RINOs, and Obama’s radical socialists.

That choice is Ted Cruz for President!

History alone will make the comparisons to Reagan, but if Cruz has a chance to lead this great nation, we may all be witnesses to history.

Ted Cruz is the ONLY Complete Conservative – and the only choice for those who want their children and grandchildren to have a future of freedom, opportunity, and peace.

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