Friday, September 23, 2016

Will Anyone Stand Up for Jesus?

The “dominoes” have been falling one by one for almost a year now.  First, a few confused “evangelical” leaders publicly came out in support of Donald Trump.  They were lured by Trump’s riches and/or his pseudo bravado.

Then, after the Republican Primaries began toward the end of winter, more “dominoes” continued to fall.  Also-rans – Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Ben Carson all climbed gleefully aboard the “Trump train.”  Each had their own reasons – money, fame, influence, possible future perks.

After the Spring blossomed, it became obvious that supposedly “conservative” radio and TV commentators had also fallen under Trump’s aura of self-importance – Hannity, Drudge, Breitbart, O’Reilly, and Rush - just to drop several names.  Many were looking for ratings and the boat load of money they bring.  Some were driven by a real fear of the return of the Clintons.  Others were looking for career enhancement and greater influence with their audience.

As the Primary season thinned out competitors, former “conservative” darlings like Marco Rubio also drank the “orange Kool-Aid.”

When we finally got to the Convention, with RNC thugs out in force, it was all a done deal – life-long liberal NYC Democrat Donald Trump was, unbelievably, going to bear the standard of Lincoln and Reagan!

Yet, there was one lone holdout – the “Constitutional conservative” Ted Cruz.  In a speech rivaling both Reagan and Churchill, Cruz was the lone “conscientious objector” to the RNC’s “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” (H/T Judge Robert Bork).

For all real conservatives and sincere informed Christians, Cruz remained as the leader of a movement still awaiting its firm destiny, perhaps in 2020.

Today, Cruz threw everything he worked for all his life away when he presented a worse than weak argument for his apparent endorsement of the bloviating “dear leader.”

As this is written, the rippling shock waves are still growing as they reverberate from shore to shore all across America.

The reactions from sincere conservatives, who haven’t already sold their “political souls” to the “orange elephant” of Trump’s alt-right, thuggish GOP, have been a hand-wringing mixture of anger, shock, and deep grief.

For those, like myself, who invested considerable time, resources, and reputation doing what we could to support Cruz’s vision of America, it a huuuuuuge bitter pill to swallow.

And, if Cruz thinks he has done anything to help America survive what is coming, he has managed to get himself too deeply entrenched in Washington to see real reality.

He sold his birthright for a few vague promises from someone who couldn’t pass a lie detector test if his life depended on it.

Sorry, Ted – you quit the race ten feet before the finish line!

The real question, as reflected in this piece’s title, is – Who Will Stand Up for Jesus?

That’s right.  America is facing its darkest hours morally, spiritually, politically, economically, and possibly internationally.

Only one pathway will allow America to survive – return to God, His love, and His law. 

The political system is corrupt.  The church is corrupt.  Honor, integrity, values, and self-sufficiency are all but lost now in America.

Anyone who thinks Trump can fix America’s problems has been listening to the news for the past year with their fingers in their ears!  He hasn’t got one ounce of the moral character that will be absolutely essential to fighting the growing darkness all around us.

He will feed his ego and his bank account   He will incessantly blame other for his mistakes and failures.  And, he will destroy any parts of the Constitution that get in his way (just like Barack Obama).

Now, that is making a big assumption that he will win the election.  It is far more likely that after November 8th, Trump will go back into the bowels of Trump Tower and plan the unveiling date of his very own TV “news” network.

America will suffer through four long years of “Clinton slime” returning to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as rights and freedoms disappear more quickly than the evidence on Hillary’s email servers.

So who is left out there to stand for the Truth, God’s Truth applied to every facet of society and life?

For those of us who love God and love this noble experiment He lavishly blessed called America, we are coming to the realization (more quickly speeded along by Cruz’s abandonment today) that no human “savior”  is coming to rescue this land.

Now, does that mean all Christians need to hide in caves and pray for the rapture?


But, it does mean we need to see ourselves in a new light.  We are now no longer the majority philosophically and politically in America.

We are now the opposition to what far too many Americans think they want; despite the fact that they are forging the chains of their own slavery by their apathy and greed.

Yes, we are the patriotic rebellion.  We are this generation’s “Sons of Liberty” (daughters too, of course).

We must keep on standing for the Truth regardless of what our numbers appear to be.  Remember, Elijah was dejected and alone in a cave when God explained to him that there were still 7,000 faithful who hadn’t bowed the knee to Ba’al.

No one personality or celebrity defines who we are and what we stand for.  We are not a cult like the Obamanists or the Trumpists.  It is all about the message of the Truth, not the various messengers, flawed though we all are.

We stand against the flood tide of lies, evil, and darkness until none stands.

If we aren’t successful immediately, and the “opposition” turns into the “resistance”, even the “underground resistance”, then so be it.  We may have to learn a hard lesson like our brothers and sisters in places like China, North Korea, and Iran are currently living.

The bottom line is that, in this current time and place, God is calling, “Who shall I send?”

Our answer, like Isaiah’s, needs to be “Here am I.  Send me!”

Now, more than ever, with corrupted politicians and corrupted church leadership, those who truly love the Lord must stand up for His Truth.

Jesus promised that we would be hated for His Name.  So be it.

But, God also told Joshua, “Be strong and courageous!  Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

We are all about the potential for human freedom exercised throughout civil society.  If we abandon that fight now, all the world will be plunged into the darkness of oppression and tyranny.

If this is to be mankind’s last stand for breathing free air, let us be the ones to make that stand.  Let us be the ones imbibing the last drops of that precious freedom heritage so many who have gone before us bequeathed; often sacrificing everything they had to grant us this amazing gift.

Sorry you won’t be by our side when we do stand, Ted.  But, we will always thank you for taking us as far as you did.  And, we will always pray for you in wherever you end up.

For the rest of us, we’re clinging to Joshua’s parting words, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Yes, we will stand up for Jesus in America; come what may.

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