Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Betrayal of America

Historians will look back on 2016 as the year America was betrayed.  It is the year America finally surrendered to lies, fraud, and tyranny.

And, 2016 is the year America voted to destroy all that made her great.

As we sit here – a few days after the Indiana Primary and the campaign suspension of the last possible candidate who could have righted listing America’s ship of state – most Americans are not even aware of the fact that their futures have been sealed – freedom is now next to dead.  Government authority is nearly complete.  Inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are all just distant memories – fading words on an old parchment no one reads or understands any more.

A brief analysis of this betrayal is in order – a “postmortem” of the nation, so to speak.

Who are the betrayers?  What methods did they use to accomplish their nefarious task?

Let’s have a look, shall we?  Future generations may want to know what happened before the historical revisionists conceal what has actually happened.

First of all, the betrayals came from America’s foundation – the Christian Church.  After decades of believing the lies about the fictitious “separation of church and state”, the American Church is today filled with illiterates – spiritually illiterate, Biblically illiterate, politically illiterate, and culturally illiterate.

Far too many in the Church had little or no involvement in the political process; even though this year’s election is critical for the future of all religious freedom in America.

They have their heads in the sand, in the clouds, or glued to reality TV.

For those who did get involved, far too many were too lazy to really look at the situation, the candidates, and the heart of vital issues at stake today.

They were content to allow the national media to tell them what to think and whom to support.  This certainly includes the so-called “conservative” media.

In short, far too many American Christians bought the lies, distortions, and scare tactics the enemy of all that is free, true, and Godly has spewed out over American society during the past year.

The result – they have supported candidates who live, believe, and espouse all things contrary to basic Christian faith and morality.

In essence, they have ignored Samuel’s advice and demanded that a “king” rule over them.  And, given the two choices now left, a tyrant is what we are assured of for our immediate future.

Second, and related to the first, America was betrayed by a cadre of Christian leaders who were all bought off one by one – each selling their souls for one or another kind of pieces of silver.

For Mike Huckabee, it was a job for his daughter and a chance to get back on the talk shows.

For Sarah Palin, it was a desperate chance to re-capture her “15 minutes of fame” – long since fleeting.

For Jerry Falwell, Jr., it was promotion for his university, a plush private jet ride, and probably some future financial consideration yet to be named.

For Pat Robertson and David Brody, it was an opportunity for career advancement and a possible insider track to “be a player” on the American political stage.

For Ben Carson, it was the vague promise of a future political career and leadership position in government.

All of these, instead of supporting the most Christian, conservative, honest, competent candidate, instead supported a prevaricating demagogue who pretends to be a Christian, but whose constant actions betray his real, unrepentant, “heart condition.”

The size of their “mill stones” will be huge unless they come to repentance for their faith compromises.

Third, America was betrayed by the Republican Party.  Once the Party of freedom, values, and limited government; today’s Republican Party is being overrun by the “3 ‘L’s” – liberals, liars, and lobbyists.

It has been coming on for some time, but things came to a head this year, for sure.  Washington Republicans fit comfortably into the “Washington Cartel” of organized criminals who are robbing and abusing the American people.

And, so of course they ended up nominating the one candidate who has funded their criminal operation more than just about anyone else in America.

But beyond that, the fault also lies with the incompetence and corruption within many state Republican Parties.

The outcome of this season’s Primary would have been vastly different if state Republican Parties didn’t allow “open Primaries” where Democrats drastically affected outcomes of Primary elections by crossing over and voting for the worst possible Republican on the ballot.  (This was especially true in the earlier Primaries in the south.)

These early results created a “media narrative” and huge amounts of free publicity for the candidate least possessing the ability to be a good President.

Had only Republicans chosen the Republican nominee, I guarantee you the results would be far different today.

If the Republican Party wants to survive until 2020, all states with “open Primaries” must close them to return integrity to the process.

Fourth, America was betrayed by the so-called “conservative media.”  Instead of presenting all candidate choices “fair and balanced”, many “conservative” media outlets took sides from the beginning on. 

Why else would the 3rd place finishing candidate of the first Primary get the most news time?

Why else would the “conservative” media shill for one candidate that least exemplifies conservative principles and values?

Why else would the conservative media accept uncritically, wild conspiracy theories and unfounded slander accusations without challenging aggressively those sources and seeking to expose the connections to the campaigns putting out the drivel?

Nope. Guys like Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Matt Drudge have all been exposed for the hypocrites they truly are.  They aren’t really conservatives at all – just cynical exploiters of the American people.

They took advantage of the trust a “liberal media-weary” American people placed in them.  But, they “have been weighed on the scales and been found wanting.”

We can only hope their careers and networks suffer appropriate viewer abandonment they each deserve.

Fifth, America was betrayed by its own “low information” citizens – people too ignorant, scared, or gullible to really look at choices and vote with their brains rather than their adrenal glands.

Some of this group is part of the growing “mobocracy” in America.  Not unlike the “mob” in revolutionary France, they hare hell-bent on payback for all those they believe are responsible for their own past failures.

Yes, the government is oppressive.  Yes, average citizens seldom stand a chance for justice anymore in America.

But, what this rabble needs to look squarely at is the fact that they created the problem in the first place.

They voted for Ross Perot in 1992 and gave us eight years of “Clinton slime.” 

They voted for wild socialist and “race-baiter” Barack Obama because of perceived “sins” of George W Bush.

They keep on voting to return inept, corrupt, and profane incumbents back to Congress year after year despite the fact that there have been real and better choices available.

They tolerate no dissent or Freedom of Speech either.  In just this past Pennsylvania Primary, I had about half of the 120 candidate signs I placed along highways and polling places stolen just prior to the election.

It’s exactly the same problem I’m used to having in general elections from Democrat thugs who don’t want any competition.

One “precious jewel of shining colossal ignorance” even put this handmade sign on his property – his right to do so, but it calls attention to his and his candidate’s mindset.

Will America ever be able to recover from this drastic betrayal of all we are and what we stand for?

Is it “game over”?

Will we be going into the night – cheering our jailers until the cell doors are locked?

That depends.

Biblical history proves that God will not bail out a sinful and rebellious people.  He will give an evil people the evil ruler they crave.

Repentance is still possible.  But repentance without change is worthless; else we will be right back here again.

Until the American people love freedom, the Constitution, and the Biblical foundations of this nation more than they love reality TV and “trash” journalism, we have no hope whatsoever.

We had the chance, in this election, to restore those sacred gifts to our people; but alas, I fear too many in our nation have gladly sold their birthright for a pot of poison stew.

Time and God’s mercy will tell.  Let us pray we will ask for it.  Otherwise, it will be His judgment He sends!

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