Sunday, May 22, 2016

November 2016 – What’s A Conservative to Do?

Although nothing is set in stone as yet, it appears as though the two choices for President of the U.S. this November will be bad or worse.

If indeed, Hillary and Trump get their respective Party nominations, what choice does that leave consistent, moral, conservative voters?

If we believe our political philosophy takes precedent over party politics; if we believe that there are just some candidates too unacceptable to vote for; and if we believe that we still need to be involved in the process even with the bad choices, then consistent conservatives need to stay engaged and follow our consciences this election, just as we have in all previous contests.

Many of us “held our noses” and voted for Dole, McCain, and Romney, but this year our political consistency is stretched too far beyond the breaking point to even consider voting for either Trump or Hillary.

So, what do we do?  Shall we support some 3rd Party long shot?  Shall we “just stay home”?  Shall we write-in our favorite candidate’s name as a protest vote?

This is not the first time I’ve faced this dilemma, so have most consistent conservatives. 

Now, each election is different so I’m not suggesting a hard and fast rule here.  But, this election does have similarities to one I’ve faced before.

Back in the mid-90s, both candidates for Pennsylvania Governor were unacceptable to me – both were pro-aborts.

Since I will never knowingly vote for a pro-abort, (If a candidate can’t be trusted to protect the most innocent life among us, how can we trust them to guard any of our other freedoms?), I was left with a conundrum.

I didn’t want to “skip” the election, but I refused to compromise myself on this fundamental issue.

My solution is relevant to where we find ourselves today – those of us who see no good choice to make for President among the “Trillary” candidate (Hat tip to Steve Deace!).

I came to realize that the Governor’s race was already lost to solid conservative principles after a moderate RINO, beloved by Planned Parenthood, emerged from the Primary Election.

The same will be true if Trump emerges from the Republican National Convention in July with the official nomination.

I won’t take the time to re-debate the issue of the Clintons involvement in this scheme to push Hillary into the White House now, but suffice it to say that things still smell like the New York City sewer system in what’s gone on this year.

If these are our choices come November, then it is far more important that we principled conservatives engage now at increased levels.

What do I mean?

In the mid-90s I didn’t get involved in helping elect a moderate RINO.  Instead I put all my time and energy in helping to elect real conservatives in any other political offices up for election.

We must now do the same.

With either a possible Trump or Hillary Presidency, American freedoms will be under attack from government – be it from the hard left or the alt-right.

We need to do all we can to keep both the “Checks and Balances” and “Separation of Powers” components of our Constitution working to save the Republic.

That means we do all we can to make sure we help elect as many conservative Congressmen, Senators, and Governors we can to keep either “would-be dictator” contained for the next 4 years.

Only if we have a Congress that will do its Constitutional job of reining in an out-of-control Presidential administration can this nation possibly hope to survive (such as shooting down liberal Supreme Court nominations).

Only if we have courageous state Governors and Legislatures who will demand 10th Amendment rights for their states can the federal behemoth be kept in its cage (such as resisting draconian federal mandates like these stupid “transgender” bathroom edicts).

We have a lot to do in these regards. 

It may not seem as important or as effective to work hard for candidates who aren’t on the national stage every day, but the truth is that we can still have a huge impact the direction our nation takes if we can get many more people who think like us into elected offices.

So, my advice is that, after July, if it truly is a “Trillary” race, focus on who we can get elected to save America at all other levels of government.

Put our time and energy to work here.

We might just be able to salvage America yet if we can keep whichever “beast” is in the White House caged there for 4 years.

Oh, and by the way, in the case of the PA Governor’s race in the mid-90s – the moderate RINO won as many well-meaning Republicans compromised and voted for him. 

He, in turn, paid back his pro-abort handlers by pushing more state money to abortions and also suspended all government oversight of abortion clinics – thus giving us “The Butcher of Philly” Kermit Gosnell.

So much for choosing “the lesser of two evils”!!

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