For those of us old enough to remember when Roe v. Wade became law, it has been a long, long battle for truth. Of course, the pro-aborts will never admit what they are actually doing - killing a baby in the womb.
But, the greatest tragedy in this whole struggle for human rights is the fact that America's press has been largely lying to the American people ever since 1973 when the curse of legalized abortion was forced on the American people by a jaded, liberal, Nihilistic Supreme Court.
Nothing has ever been fully reported about abortion by the MSM that tells either the truth about what abortion is or the reality of those caring brave souls who have been fighting to save babies' lives for decades.
It still remains to be seen if current President Trump's chiding of the national press will change that dynamic.
So committed to secular feminist philosophy is the national press, that they would rather look like fools than be honest.
I wrote about my personal experience with how the press treats the pro-life movement in my book - Yes! We Still Can Turn This Nation Around! This incident took place almost 27 years ago:
"It was the summer of 1990. I boarded a bus early in the morning and traveled the 3 ½ hours to Washington D.C. I was on my way to an expected gathering of pro-life people called the Rally for Life ’90. I was on the chartered bus with a variety of people from my home area – young and old, Protestant and Catholic, blue collar and white collar. We were all headed to our nation’s capital to show our support for life. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t know how many people would show up or how successful the event would turn out.My questions were answered when we got into the city. We were jammed in with traffic. By the time we got to RFK stadium, our bus parking place, the parking lot was overflowing with busses, emptying and empty, from people who had come there from several states in the Union. As we made our way to the nearest Metro station – heading for the National Mall, the crowds grew larger and larger. By the time we got off at the Federal Triangle, we were pushed along in a moving river of humanity – all heading in one direction. As I approached the Mall from behind the Washington Monument, it was already crowded with people on the hillside. I continued up over the hill and, finally reaching the crest, my eyes were shocked by what I saw.
From the top of the Washington Monument hill all the way down to the Reflecting Pool and to the base of the Lincoln Memorial was a solid sea of humanity! This was before any other memorials were constructed there, so it was virtually all open space; at least it would have been had not hundreds of thousands of people been occupying the lawn! Only the sidewalks were visible. This was the largest group of people I had ever seen in one place.Needless to say, the rally was a huge success. We heard speeches and music for hours. Celebrities, government leaders, and pro-life dignitaries all took their turn to inform, motivate, and entertain us. All 50 states were represented. People came from all over the world. An absolute cross-section of humanity was present. I saw people of all ages, all races, all creeds, and all nationalities. There were Catholic priests and nuns, Greek Orthodox monks, Jewish Rabbis, Protestant clergy, and all other sorts of people. There were people in their 80s and 90s. There were newborns in strollers. Banners, signs, and streamers by the thousands waved in the breezes of that hot Washington summer day.By the time it ended, I was exhausted. I slowly made my way back through the crowds to RFK to find my bus. When all the riders were accounted for, we headed back home slowly; fighting traffic for at least the first two hours. When I finally got home it was very late.Before I went to bed, I thought I’d check the news to see what kind of story the event had gotten. Now, remember, this was long before Fox News, the Internet, and Facebook. My news options were limited. CNN was the only cable news in existence.To my dismay, the news media largely ignored the event. What small stories they did mention reported the crowd at just around 100,000. I know they were there. I saw news cameras, reporters, and photographers all over the place during the day. So, what happened to the story?Sadly, this was my first real lesson in media bias. I found out the next day’s edition of the Washington Post, the home town paper, didn’t even put the event on the front page. What picture they did include was of a single family with a stroller on a large open patch of grass. They didn’t even show one crowd shot. I don’t know where the photographer found that much grass to include in his picture! The numbers they were reporting were laughable. 100,000? I’ve been at professional sporting events in stadiums where the verified numbers were around 50,000. I can tell you the crowd I saw, and was a part of, was at least ten times larger than any stadium crowd I have ever seen. It was probably over 600,000, conservatively estimating.What I learned is that the national media will not report the truth about issues they disagree with. Abortion has always been a divisive issue in our country ever since a liberal Supreme Court “invented” new rights in the Constitution in 1973. To be for life is not politically correct. I didn’t realize, until then, the lengths the media were willing to go in distorting, hiding, and lying about the truth on this issue. They truly embarrassed themselves on that day. They proved just how incompetent and ideologically driven they really are.The Rally for Life ’90 was the largest rally on the Mall since the great 1960s civil rights gathering. History alone merited reporting about it. But, the press didn’t want the rest of America to see just how deep and broad the support for life really is in this country. A few weeks later, there also was a large gathering on the Mall – a gathering of radical pro-abort feminists. The press couldn’t help tripping over themselves to promote and report about this rally. They reported the numbers at 250,000. The crowd shots I saw showed a much smaller gathering than the one I attended. But, that didn’t matter. The story was written even before the event happened – the feminist abortionists outnumber the pro-life religious extremists!" (Hepler. 2016. pp. 126-128)
Eventually, the lies will all be found out. Given today's greater access by the public to the internet and social media, traditional news media outlets no longer can control the flow of information.
But, we must all do our part to do the job the reporters aren't allowed to do - report real facts to the American people.
The pro-aborts will never admit to what they are really doing. They are too steeped in their warped religion and too greedy from their profits of death that they will never speak the truth. Jesus spoke of such people in John 3:19-20 -
"19 This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed." (NASB)
But, Jesus also challenges us to be people of truth in John 8:32 -
"and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (NASB)We must do all we can to expose the truth about abortion, once and for all!!
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