Monday, November 14, 2016

“It’s Settled.” “It’s the Law of the Land.” - Myths Oozing Out of Washington’s Swamp

When asked recently by a 60 Minutes interviewer about his support for “same-sex” marriage, President-elect Donald Trump responded with the typical – “let’s use the Supreme Court for cover” response that has become all too familiar in the world of “Washingtonspeak.”

Tell me, where have we heard that phrase before?  Well, let’s just look, shall we.

For years, whenever the issue of abortion has come up, the fallback position of the pro-aborts is that there is no discussion to be had.  After all, since 1973, “It’s the law of the land.  The Supreme Court settled the matter.”

This typical ploy of winning the argument by default has been the pro-abort’s strongest attempted argument for the indefensible – the killing of an innocent pre-born child.  As medical science has improved steadily since Roe v. Wade became law, more and more of the so-called “scientific arguments” used to justify abortion have fallen by the wayside.

Now, devoid of such “facts” the pro-aborts have nothing left to say, except to point to the dubious SCOTUS ruling that sought to end the debate about abortion in America by declaring one side of the argument not legitimate.

The result, of course, has been decades of strife and battles for the lives of millions of unborn children.  The voices of millions of Americans have been ignored by a tiny, tiny cadre of oligarch-wannabes wearing black robes.

Now, lest we just blame liberal justices for their draconian tyranny, we also must look at who else has used the Court’s ruling for political cover from an issue they don’t want to have to take sides on.  I’m speaking about two groups primarily. 

First, so-called “moderate” Democrats who claim to be “personally opposed to abortion, but support the Court’s ruling.”  What hogwash!!  They just don’t want to lose votes from either side and want to have it both ways.

The second group of politicians who are guilty of playing fast and loose with the facts are the RINOs (Republicans In Name Only).  These squishy moderates don’t want to ever talk about social issues.  These are just too embarrassing and “yucky” to bring up at country club dinner parties. 

They also hide behind Roe v. Wade when pressed.  “Well, there’s little I can do about it.”  “It’s the law of the land” is their well-rehearsed response.

Once again, SCOTUS is the hedge they hide behind to avoid being real leaders in government and society.

If we fast-forward a number of decades, we remember the more recent history of the passage of Obamacare in 2010.  Not one single Republican voted for it, yet it barely passed by one supposedly “pro-life” Democrat.

Now that we’ve had a few years to live under the hideous regulations, limited access, and out-of-control spiraling costs, we are hearing a louder and louder cry from America to get rid of this socialist utopian nightmare.

But, prior to now, all efforts have failed to have it die a merciful death.  SCOTUS even got involved at one point to salvage its existence.  Now, all the left-wing progressives are using the standard cry of “it’s the law of the land” once again to justify its continued existence.

So then, it should be no surprise that Donald Trump is now using this tired old maxim to justify his flip-flop on marriage.  He is surrounded by politicians and Washington insiders who have been feeding him talking points throughout the campaign.  Why would we think they would stop now that Trump has to prepare to actually govern?

The truth is that Trump is a social liberal, through and through.  Those of us who attempted to warn voters about this fact were usually shouted down by mobs of cultists screaming for a border wall.

But, let’s look at this excuse that these contentious social issues are “settled law of the land.”

Using that logic, let’s go back in our history, say to about 1857.  The United States Supreme Court had just issued a 7-2 decision ruling that African Americans could not be given U.S. citizenship.  They had no standing to sue in court.  Essentially, it reinforced the notion of slaves as property.

The case, known today simply as Dred Scott (after the former slave who sued for his rights), was decided legally according to the laws in force back then.  So, shouldn’t efforts to overturn it have been considered illegitimate given that Dred Scott was “the law of the land”?

Nope. Americans had more common sense and far more moral courage back then.  It was vehemently opposed by Republicans and other abolitionists.  Lincoln ignored the ruling when he became President.  And, it was one of the catalysts that led to the Civil War, which ended American slavery once and for all.

For Trump to now hide behind the Obergefell “same-sex” marriage ruling and call it “settled law” is for him to show gross moral cowardice in the face of this generation’s Dred Scott.

The issue of same-sex marriage is not going away.  Many, many Christian people will not kowtow to “5 Harvard lawyers wearing black robes.”  After all, how un-American is it that such a tiny, tiny group of left-wing elitists should have the power to dictate to over 300 million people what we have to believe and how we have to live?

Let’s face it, the radical homosexual lobby has become the “gaystapo” of the era – suing and destroying Christian churches and businesses at will.  Why, we’ve even seen a RINO federal judge put Kentucky Clerk – Kim Davis – in jail for standing on her faith in the face of tyranny.

No way!  Mr. Trump, if you really want to be America’s leader, you have to take a strong stand on these controversial issues.  You can’t hide behind the prepared words one of your handlers gave you to say.

The excuse, “It’s settled.  It’s the law of the land.” hasn’t worked for abortion.  It hasn’t worked for Obamacare.  And, it won’t work for “same-sex” marriage. 

Mr. Trump, if you strongly believe in “same-sex” marriage and all of the other weirdness that is now accompanying it (men in dresses in girls’ shower rooms for instance), you owed it to the voters to be honest; especially to the millions of evangelical Christian voters who supported and believed in you.

But, by playing this political game, you are simply confirming what your Primary opponents accused you of being – “just another say anything to get elected” politician.  Maybe they were right all along?

Leadership devoid of integrity will make you rather “Clintonesque” – you know – just like “Crooked Hillary”!

Is that the legacy you want for your Presidency?  Do you want to go down in history as the Republican Bill Clinton? 

Who knows, maybe that isn’t something you really care about?  But, if you want to politically survive for the next four years, have any chance of re-election, and have any kind of positive legacy, then I urge you to re-think your answer on this most important issue.

Just like “it’s the law of the land” didn’t cut it with Dred Scott, that same mantra today won’t cut it concerning Obergefell. You can’t “drain Washington’s swamp” by oozing out the same putrid slime.

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