This year’s election has been one of the most rancorous in
recent memory. That shouldn’t be
surprising considering there’s a Clinton involved. That also shouldn’t be surprising considering
the two main candidates are NY liberals.
Right in the midst of all the cross-fire lie the millions of
evangelical Christian voters in America.
We are a voting bloc too large to be ignored and too diverse to be
lumped into one category.
But, this year – 2016 – Christians have been dealing with pressures
from all directions to get and stay involved in the process.
All but the most radical, liberal Christian groups realize
that Hillary Clinton would make a terrible President. Her views are antithetical to most of our
beliefs. She is motivated by a lust for
power that goes back decades and is still growing in her mind. A committed, secular, socialist, feminist,
Hillary wants to force America even further down the path to destruction than
Barack Obama has already dragged it.
Because of this reality coming from the Democrat Party, it
is not surprising that Christians have been seeking other alternatives; as well
we should.
But, the main problem is that the Republican nominee –
Donald Trump - is equally untrustworthy, if not more so.
Trump is a self-centered, shameless self-promoter whose ego
has written checks his supposed expert business acumen has been unable to cash
for decades.
His personal life reflects his secular, self-absorbed
His campaign has been riddled with incompetence, corruption,
and downright unpresidential ugliness.
Yet, in desperate times, people do desperate things. After almost 8 years of Obama’s carnage,
Americans are scared, angry, and looking for a “savior” to fix the problems –
both real and imagined.
Enter Trump and his opportunism. Saying whatever he deduced people wanted to
hear; and exploiting a very flawed Republican Primary system, Trump managed to
secure the GOP nomination for President despite the fact that a majority of
Republicans (and evangelicals) voted against him.
Now, flagging in the polls and restarting his campaign for
the 3rd time in just a couple of months, Trump is once again turning
to evangelicals to “bail him out.”
I’ve heard all the self-refuting arguments as to why it is
our “Christian duty” to vote for Trump.
None holds logical water.
Yet, several evangelical leaders have come out and endorsed
him; some did so even when there were a number of far better, more qualified,
more moral, more experienced choices available.
The fear of a “Queen Hillary” regime has so terrified these
leaders that they are more than willing to look the other way from the
mountainous pile of Trump negatives, flaws, inconsistencies, and downright
What is worse is that they are using some dubious “Christian
duty” narrative to goad sincere Christians into getting “aboard the Trump
But, here is where the real problem lies.
Should Christians compromise their integrity, morals, and
consciences to support a candidate who is flawed beyond the point of any
rational levels of trust?
Trump, by his own admissions over the decades will say and
do whatever is necessary to “close the deal.”
Do we really want to be part of that ongoing duplicitous
How does this honor Christ?
How does this rebuild the moral foundations of America that
have been crumbling since the 1960s?
How does this protect our God-given rights and freedoms?
How can we possibly trust someone whose principles are for
sale to the highest bidder to guard and promote our rights?
NOPE! We can’t. And, that’s my point.
As Christians, we need to be all about the Truth. If we serve the Lord of Truth, we need to
reflect His Truth in all areas of our lives; that includes the political world
as well. This is true of both citizens
and candidates.
America’s unprecedented success in the whole history of
human civilization is founded upon the principles of Truth found in the
Bible. These truths were written into
our founding documents and into the very fabric of American culture.
(Sorry, atheists. I’m
not buying the French Enlightenment/Deist argument for America’s founding. It is without real historical factuality.)
We cannot hope to gain what we have lost by abandoning the
very principles of Truth that have built and prospered America in order to have
Trump “save” her.
It is true that no one candidate is perfect; as no human is
perfect. But, we are not obligated to
hire dishonest plumbers, doctors, bus drivers, and architects.
Who in their right mind would ignore obvious moral flaws in
people we allow to influence our lives?
Would we hire and support teachers that were felons?
Would we hire roofers who got bad reviews from the Better
Business Bureau?
Would we knowingly fly with pilots who are alcoholics?
See, we make moral choices in those we support and patronize
all the time; and, rightly so.
Why should our support and votes for President be any
The stark reality is that we have “passed the point of no
return” to elect a good, competent, trustworthy individual for President in
this election.
For Republicans, that opportunity was squandered in the
Primaries by splitting the conservative and evangelical vote too many ways;
once again.
Far too many of us were lazy, uniformed, couldn’t see the
big picture, and/or duped by a slick “snake oil” salesman.
So, now do we compromise the Truth to make the best of a bad
The clear answer should be a resounding, “NO!”
Our faith and loyalty to Christ goes well beyond any temporal
Presidential election.
The reality now is that the country will be harmed
regardless of which candidate wins.
Do we want to be among the “co-conspirators” to America’s degradation?
Or, do we want to continue to be “salt” and “light” amidst
the growing gloom and perversion?
America will survive as long as God allows, regardless who
wins the election. It may be moving
closer to His judgment, given our poor election decisions of the past and the
growing corruption among the political class in America.
But, if America is worth saving, it must be done so without
the selling out of faith in the process.
We cannot promote lies to return to the Truth. It simply won’t work.
The hope for the nation is a return to God. If the people of God aren’t leading the
charge, it won’t happen.
God granted America the incredible blessing of
self-government under His banner of Truth.
Self-government will not endure for long is we compromise and abandon
His Truth.
So, sorry so-called “evangelical” leaders – I stand in
opposition to your compromised pragmatism.
I will stand on my love of the Truth and oppose all
politicians I can’t trust to be honest with me and the people they seek to
If that means I remain Never
Trump AND Never Hillary, so be
Whether America survives or falls, I know that I will seek
to remain faithful to the Author of Truth – the Truth that is eternal; not
dependent upon the next polling focus group or media sound bite.