Once again the national media is slobbering onto their
cameras and smart phones as they announce another non-news item – Donald Trump
has won 5 liberal “blue” northeastern states’ primaries.
Yep, that’s right – 5 states that have voted Democrat over the
past generation; 5 liberal states in the most liberal part of the country were
won by the most liberal Republican candidate in the race.
Why next thing you know the local weatherman will be turning
cartwheels as he announces that the sun rose today!
But, let’s put “the Donald’s” yuge victories into
perspective – the only perspective that matters – the November elections.
What the media has spent far less time reporting is the fact
that Hillary Clinton won four out of five of those same states. And, she did so with over 400,000 more votes than
Trump got in his “sweep.” That’s
right. Even though Hillary lost Rhode
Island to “Crazy Bernie”, she still got more votes in each of the 5 states and
far more total votes in those states than Trump was able to muster.
If you throw these numbers in with Hillary doubling Trump’s
vote in New York, it is abundantly clear that if Trump is the Republican
nominee, Hillary will be the next President.
Trump is incapable of turning any “blue” states “red”. He is incapable of even turning any “purple”
states red.
He is maxing out his influence and it already shows he can’t
beat Clinton now, or in November.
For those of you who are “numbers junkies”, here are the
figures as I got them from Decision Desk HQ:
Total votes for these two liberals from yesterday’s 5 state
– 1,718,619
Trump –
PA : Hillary – 911,681;
Trump – 885,481
DE: Hillary – 55,950;
Trump – 42,472
CT: Hillary – 169,707;
Trump – 113,191
MD: Hillary – 531,182;
Trump – 236,666
RI: Hillary – 50,099;
Trump – 38,098
A couple relevant additional points to these numbers:
- Hillary’s Rhode Island numbers were for a 2nd place finish. “Crazy Bernie” actually got 64,679 votes.
- Hillary got more votes in tiny Maryland (531,182) than Trump got in his massive home state of New York (525,000).
The point in all of this is to put the media “newgasm” into
perspective – Trump’s “big wins” yesterday will mean absolutely nothing come
November. These states will stay blue no
matter who the nominee is.
And, if Trump can’t beat Hillary now in his own back yard,
he has zero chance at beating her across the nation in November.
But, perhaps that’s been the plan all along – be a “Pied
Piper” to lead droves of “low information”, fringe Republicans off the cliff so
Hillary can win in November.
I speculated about this last fall:
The only way America can be saved from ruin in this election
is for Ted Cruz to emerge from the convention with the nomination.
He and Carly Fiorina are already giving Hillary nightmares,
I guarantee it.
Trump will, no doubt, pat himself on the back (goaded on by
a media that has sold its soul) about being the liberal winner of liberal
states, but it doesn’t change the numbers from yesterday.
If somehow Trump manages to bully his way to the nomination,
come November it will be, “Hello, Madam President. Good-bye Constitutional freedoms.”
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