Saturday, April 30, 2016

The “Conservative” Media Are Hypocrites!

One of the hallmarks of being a conservative is a great love of the truth.  It is the very core definition of conservatism.

In the culture wars raging in America today, the rhetoric inundating the airwaves, computer screens, and print pages is filled with all kinds of lies, half-truths, and deliberate misrepresentations of the facts.

The average person has more than a difficult time sorting out fact from fiction – just look at all the hype surrounding “climate change” for example.

The main service conservative media are supposed to provide to America is presenting unvarnished truth – being a solid source for reliable information and commentary that is fact-based.

The left has long “manufactured” its “truths” and fed them to unsuspecting “low information” voters across the land – just look at all the “Crazy Bernie” supporters, for example.

But, what happens when “conservative” media decide to play fast and loose with the truth to obtain a political objective?  That’s right - they descend to the depths of left-wing “tabloid” journalism.

This is happening more and more frequently with a goodly portion of so-called “conservative” media now out unashamedly shilling for Donald Trump.  And, they are becoming damagingly self-righteous about it.

What do I mean?  Let me give you a few recent instances:

First, the conservative media have beaten a loud drum about President Obama’s frequent prevarications on many of his policy positions.

For example:  “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”  And, “The average family will save $2500 a year under Obamacare.”

Obviously, we all know now that those were deliberate lies - designed to sell Obamacare to a trusting, yet gullible public.

The conservative media have rightfully pointed out and hammered Obama on these lies; among many others.

But, (and here’s some of the hypocrisy) when Donald Trump has flip-flopped on a myriad of positions from years of holding liberal views to suddenly become a “conservative” to win a Republican Primary . . . crickets.

Apparently, truth only matters to these folk when it is used to bludgeon Democrats for their deception.  When it’s “one of their own”, it’s perfectly acceptable.

When Obama ran for office, conservative media went into full-scale investigation mode to expose Obama’s radical roots and socialist bent.

But, when Trump, a mostly life-long Democrat, suddenly began singing a right-wing tune, the “conservative media” drank it in like the average, ignorant dupe of the old “snake oil salesmen.”

Not just becoming Trump fans, they exchanged their collective souls in order to get on the bandwagon.  They lost the one distinctive that made them unique and trusted by millions of Americans – a deep commitment to the truth.

Now, the conservative media rightly have criticized all of the lies of the Obama Administration.  But, since they’ve gone all soft and squishy when it comes to Trump, they are looking far more like love-struck adolescent girls than the guardians of the Republic.

Another example: 

The conservative media rightly have criticized President Obama’s incessant dependence of a teleprompter to speak – even to grade school kids.  It shows he has no soul – only a pre-printed agenda.

But, when ‘the Donald” used a teleprompter for the first time to regurgitate a pre-written speech about foreign policy (since he is otherwise clueless on the issue), it is suddenly commendable for someone to deliver such a speech via canned technology.

It seems to me that if it is a legitimate criticism of Obama; then it also needs to be expressed the same way about Trump when he does it.

One of the things conservatives screamed about prior to the 2008 election was the fact that the national media refused to thoroughly vet Obama – he was considered a pliable, “blank slate” who could be anything to anyone.

This was certainly a legitimate criticism.  If the national media had done its job back then, we might not have had to endure the past 7 years of disaster in America.

But today, the “conservative” media refuse to apply that same standard to vetting Trump.  More and more, any revelations about his dubious past in business and political influence-peddling are dismissed as either fictitious or irrelevant by those best in a position to get to the bottom of things.

Just as the national media has turned a “blind eye” to the transgressions of all liberal political figures for the past half century, so now too, the “conservative” media are employing the same philosophy of “see now evil; hear no evil; speak no evil” when it comes to Trump.

The “conservative” media have become hypocrites of the worst sort – bragging about their own self-righteousness when it comes to exposing lies of liberals while at the same time keeping all of Trump’s skeletons buried deep in the back of his “yuuuuge” closet.

If Trump should prevail, the level of “buyers’ remorse” that will ensue will dwarf what happened right after Bill Clinton got elected back in 1992.

For those old enough to remember - one of the central campaign messages Clinton shoveled onto the American people was a “middle class tax cut.”

But, as soon as Clinton got elected, he pivoted 180 degrees and gave us all a huge tax increase on everyone, including the “middle class.”

One wonders how many “reversals” from campaign rhetoric would ensue in a Trump Administration; especially since he has already declared his willingness to “make deals” with liberal Democrats.

These possible tragedies could all be avoided if the “conservative” media would just do its job of putting the truth above individual loyalty; especially irrational, slavish devotion to one of the most media-savvy con men to come onto the America scene since P.T. Barnum (remember – “There’s sucker born every minute.”).

If America is stuck with Trump, the American people will have no one left to trust in the “conservative” media (except for a few brave prophets who have been calling their brethren out for their hypocrisy and fraud).

And, an America without a “truth detector” is a lost America.

But, as things stand right now, far too many in the “conservative” media have “rose-colored glasses” on their noses and “Trump green” cash in their pockets.

What they are too short-sighted to see is the fact that all fascist demagogues (be they left-wing or right-wing) first stomp on the 1st Amendment “Freedom of the Press” as a way to consolidate their power.

In a Trump Administration, these “conservative” media outlets will either have to become “Tokyo Rose” or be sent to the journalistic gulags.

Now, it is certainly true that the very same thing will happen if Hillary becomes President (read Czarina), but Trump will behave exactly in a similar fashion – they are both thin-skinned egomaniacs who cannot tolerate scrutiny, let alone criticism.

So, one final appeal to those in the “conservative” media – the “Trumptanic” has hit the iceberg.  You can get off the ship now, or you can join Leonardo DiCaprio on the bottom of the Atlantic!!

Only one candidate running is who he says he is and has done what he said he would do.  If you have any interest at all in being a guardian of the truth, it is time for you to promote and support Ted Cruz for President!!

You won’t have to “sell your souls” to do it.

Rush Limbaugh has put it this way, ““You will never, ever have to worry about that with Ted Cruz.” And then I expanded on it. And let me say one thing: If conservatism is your bag, if conservatism is the dominating factor in how you vote, there is no other choice for you in this campaign than Ted Cruz, because you are exactly right: This is the closest in our lifetimes we have ever been to Ronald Reagan.

In terms of doctrinaire, understandable, articulated, implementable conservatism, there’s nobody closer.”

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Perspective – Hillary Trounces Trump On His “Big” Night

Once again the national media is slobbering onto their cameras and smart phones as they announce another non-news item – Donald Trump has won 5 liberal “blue” northeastern states’ primaries.

Yep, that’s right – 5 states that have voted Democrat over the past generation; 5 liberal states in the most liberal part of the country were won by the most liberal Republican candidate in the race.

Why next thing you know the local weatherman will be turning cartwheels as he announces that the sun rose today!

But, let’s put “the Donald’s” yuge victories into perspective – the only perspective that matters – the November elections.

What the media has spent far less time reporting is the fact that Hillary Clinton won four out of five of those same states.  And, she did so with over 400,000 more votes than Trump got in his “sweep.”  That’s right.  Even though Hillary lost Rhode Island to “Crazy Bernie”, she still got more votes in each of the 5 states and far more total votes in those states than Trump was able to muster.

If you throw these numbers in with Hillary doubling Trump’s vote in New York, it is abundantly clear that if Trump is the Republican nominee, Hillary will be the next President.  Trump is incapable of turning any “blue” states “red”.  He is incapable of even turning any “purple” states red.

He is maxing out his influence and it already shows he can’t beat Clinton now, or in November.

For those of you who are “numbers junkies”, here are the figures as I got them from Decision Desk HQ:

Total votes for these two liberals from yesterday’s 5 state primaries: 
                Clinton – 1,718,619
                Trump – 1,315,908

PA :  Hillary – 911,681; Trump – 885,481
DE:  Hillary – 55,950; Trump – 42,472
CT:  Hillary – 169,707; Trump – 113,191
MD:  Hillary – 531,182; Trump – 236,666
RI:  Hillary – 50,099; Trump – 38,098

A couple relevant additional points to these numbers:

  •            Hillary’s Rhode Island numbers were for a 2nd place finish.  “Crazy Bernie” actually got 64,679 votes.
  •           Hillary got more votes in tiny Maryland (531,182) than Trump got in his massive home state of New York (525,000).

 The point in all of this is to put the media “newgasm” into perspective – Trump’s “big wins” yesterday will mean absolutely nothing come November.  These states will stay blue no matter who the nominee is.

And, if Trump can’t beat Hillary now in his own back yard, he has zero chance at beating her across the nation in November.

But, perhaps that’s been the plan all along – be a “Pied Piper” to lead droves of “low information”, fringe Republicans off the cliff so Hillary can win in November.

I speculated about this last fall: 

The only way America can be saved from ruin in this election is for Ted Cruz to emerge from the convention with the nomination.

He and Carly Fiorina are already giving Hillary nightmares, I guarantee it.

Trump will, no doubt, pat himself on the back (goaded on by a media that has sold its soul) about being the liberal winner of liberal states, but it doesn’t change the numbers from yesterday.

If somehow Trump manages to bully his way to the nomination, come November it will be, “Hello, Madam President.  Good-bye Constitutional freedoms.”

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Setting the Record Straight About New York’s “Tiny” Primary

 Today, Wednesday, April 20, 2016, the national media is drunk with reverie over the fact that Donald Trump won his home state of New York in the Republican Primary.

It was certainly a win that was all but assumed for weeks going in to the race.

Now, the media is proclaiming this “titanic” shift in Republican voters to Trump – everyone (read Ted Cruz) should just go home now and begin the coronation for “King Donald.”

But, lest we get confused with the average “low information” voter in America who is absolutely clueless, we need to look at hard facts; facts we will never read about or hear about by those who claim to be the professional news tellers.

In New York yesterday, about 880,000 Republican votes were cast for President.

That may sound impressive, but if we look at just four other recent states, it shows either the apathy or the diminishing scarcity of Republicans in the Empire state.

For example:

Wisconsin, a state with less than half of NY’s delegate allotment, registered around 1 million Republican votes cast.

Ohio, with 66 delegates to NY’s 95 had over twice the Republican Primary votes cast – around 2 million.

Texas, with 150 delegates to NY’s 95, had over 3 times the Republican Primary votes cast with around 3 million.

Missouri, with 52 delegates to NY’s 95, cast more Republican Primary votes than NY – around 900,000.

From just these four examples we can put Trump’s “victory” in perspective:

First, all three remaining candidates won their home states.  But, Trump finished a distant 3rd in votes cast for him in his home state.

In Ohio, John Kasich got around twice as many votes as Trump did in NY – 956,000 to 525,000.

In Texas, Ted Cruz got around 2 ½ times as many votes as Trump did in NY – 1,239,000 to 525,000.

Second, in winning Wisconsin, Ted Cruz got 6,000 more votes there than Trump did in his home state of NY (531,000 to 525,000).

Third, to say that Trump’s victory in New York was massive is a huuuuge stretch at best.  He won over a small voter pool given the fact that New York is thoroughly infested with Democrats.

In fact, in the New York Democratic Primary, over twice the votes were cast – around 2 million.

And, head to head, Hillary Clinton doubled Donald Trump’s votes – 1,052,000 to 525,000.

The harsh reality is that New York will go Democrat in the General Election in November.  Even in his home state Trump would get crushed by Clinton.

Fourth, serious changes are needed to the delegate allocation process for states by the RNC.

Given NY’s pitiful Republican numbers, there is no way they should be allotted 95 delegates.  The votes just don’t justify the number.

Let me repeat:

Wisconsin had around 200,000 more Republican Primary votes cast than NY and yet has less than half of NY’s delegate numbers - 42 – 95.

Ohio had over double the Republican Primary votes cast than NY – around 2 million - yet only has 66 delegates to NY’s 95.

Missouri, a state where 1st and 2nd place was less than 2,000 votes out of 900,000 cast (20,000 more than NY), only has 52 delegates to NY’s 95.

(And, by the way, even though it was virtually a tie, Trump got 15 more delegates than Cruz did there – funny didn’t hear Trump whining about that being unfair!!)

Texas had more than triple the Republican Primary votes cast than NY – around 3 million votes – and yet only has 55 more delegates – 150 – 95.

(If we want to be strictly fair – by the numbers – Texas should have around 300 delegates to NY’s 95.)

So, before we all are tempted to drink the national media’s “Trumpista Kool-Aid”, let’s look at the real results and put them in perspective nationally.

                                    (Map based on possible Clinton vs. Trump match up)

Yes, one of the most liberal states in the union voted for the most liberal Republican candidate in the race.

His margin of victory was not the largest anywhere – that belongs to Cruz with his 69.2% win in Utah.

And no, this is not the American people speaking loud and clear – these are “NY liberal values” seeking to dictate to the rest of the nation that we should follow their lead into the “NY election sewers” in November.

Nope.  New York can remain a “blue” state and keep its “blue” candidate.  America wants a red, white, and blue President who will fight for our rights and freedoms.

It’s up to those of us who love this nation, its God, and its Constitution to keep working for Ted Cruz’s victory!

And, the national media – they can all go for a swim in the Hudson River!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Abolition of Man . . . Continues

In 1943, the great Christian apologist and philosopher – C.S. Lewis – published a small but significant work entitled The Abolition of Man.  In Abolition, Lewis argued that unless any society has some kind of objective standards for reality, that society will soon crash in upon itself.

In his day, Lewis was lamenting the direction modern education was taking in ill-preparing the next generation to lead the world and build society.

One wonders how Lewis would view our modern world in the almost three-quarters of a century since his writing.

If nothing else, what we see all around us today only confirms the prophetic nature of Lewis’ observations.

Since the western world has largely abandoned the Judeo-Christian world view, a huge vacuous void has resulted and logic, reason, and intelligence have all become casualties of the absurd.

The most recent controversy about “transgendered” individuals (read “gender confused”) using the public bathrooms of the “sex” to which they identify as opposed to what their very DNA defines them is a potent, recent example.

Of course, Hollywood, the national media, and the radical left in the country have gotten on the bandwagon of this new faux “civil right.”

Perverts, pedophiles, and radical anarchists are rejoicing everywhere.  People will now be forced to allow these degenerates access to children and women in the most vulnerable of circumstances.

And, the new “celebrity elite” will never see the toll of tragedies that will result because of their on-going worship of “tolerance.”

But, we now live in a world where rationality, common sense, and decency are long-forgotten “buzz words” of a bygone era.

This is the only feasible explanation for the rise of both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump – millions of brainless, emotional, fanatical commitments to dubious individuals that just a decade ago would have been laughed off most stages anywhere in the country (well perhaps not on many college campuses).

The p.c. definition of these deluded masses is “low information voters.”  What they really are is highly akin to the past few decades term – “groupies.”

Just as young, teen-age girls used to swoon over Elvis and the Beatles, now we see supposedly rational adults swooning over the “celebrity” Presidential candidates that are next to absolutely clueless about any important issues a U.S. President will be facing in the modern, dangerous, complex world.

Maybe Trump and Sanders should form a ticket?

Talk about bringing on a “Zombie Apocalypse”!

Thankfully, America still has a percentage of rational people who are thoughtful about the future direction our country needs to take in order to survive.

Many of these people still hold to the Judeo/Christian worldview and their brains are still intact. (Although, a sad percentage of the “evangelical” church have paid 30 pieces of silver and sold their souls to buy “Trump Kool-Aid.”)

But, for those who haven’t, this election is of the utmost importance.  The very survival of America is at stake.

If America’s future is to include leering perverts who have exchanged rain coats for high heels and plus-size dresses in Ladies’ rooms all across the land, then America will die a sad and sorrowful death – ending up just a clicking footnote on the tongues of future historians.

For those of us who refuse to “go slowly into the night”, this election means far more than just network ratings and massive phony Twitter campaigns.

Our government is all but broken – thoroughly infested with the profane, the incompetent, and the corrupt.  We must make radical changes now if we want to have any remaining semblance of freedom.

The only real choice for President to challenge the status quo and restore Constitutional sanity is Ted Cruz.

Far from being a demagogue, Cruz is simply the mouthpiece of the informed masses seeking survival of America’s greatness. (Similar to Rush Limbaugh being the voice of informed American patriots for over two decades.)

Barack Obama (and the Clintons before him) have done all they could to destroy all that was best about America.

The self-god of socialism has been their master; a master they are hell-bent on forcing on all of us.

But, a stubbornly Constitutionally-committed President Cruz will work tirelessly to turn the current “race to oblivion” around and set things right again.

Our Constitution has always worked whenever it was followed, debated, and even altered legally.  It is only since it has been ignored, violated, and demeaned that America has suffered such grievous problems as we now face.

The reason for our success as a nation has been because the Constitution embodies the Judeo/Christian world view fleshed out and put into practice.  It presupposes a foundation of Biblical Law and Truth.

Despite what brainless, atheist, historians might attempt to assert, the American Constitution cannot be divorced from the dominant world view of its day – that of Protestant Biblical Christianity.

This then is the key to saving the culture – a return to the objective reality the Bible declares and the Constitution embraces.

If we don’t want the next wave of “culture wars” to normalize things like incest, bestiality, and other all sorts of weirdness, we have to demand standards that trump “tolerance.”

And, we need to have a President who “gets it”; not demagogues who can’t stop looking at themselves in the mirror long enough to see reality for what it actually is.

If America doesn’t elect Ted Cruz in 2016, it will be time for Don Meredith to sing, “Turn out the lights, the party’s over.”

Let us hope and pray that C.S. Lewis’ assertions in The Abolition of Man were a warning and not an evening news report.