It has been several Presidential election cycles since there was a truly inspiring, conservative, moral candidate to back for election. We Christians have had to “hold our noses” and vote, in at least the last two elections, for moderate RINO candidates who were “the lesser of two evils.”
But, that is not the case in 2016. This time, we have a solid, proven, qualified
candidate for President who believes in the same values and laws that I
do. Ted Cruz is a constitutional
conservative. No one disputes this about
the man.
He has shown throughout his public career that he believes
in the things he says, regardless of the audience or the circumstances.
For me as a Christian, this straightforward honesty is very,
very important. It doesn’t matter what a
politician might say, it only matters if they keep their word and follow
through on what they’ve said.
If I can’t trust my President to keep his word, he is
worthless as a leader and a human being.
We have suffered with just such a President for the past 7 years
now. We suffered through 8 hideous years
with the Bill and Hill “liars-are-us” debacle in the 90s.
America has become a much more pagan, callous, and degraded
society largely because of the Clintons and the Obamas.
The only way this nation survives is if we elect someone
honest, humble, and God-fearing who puts faith in God’s Word and God’s morality
over his ego, his personal gain, and his political ambitions.
Ted Cruz has proven to be such a man. He has “fought the good fight” many times in
the Senate to oppose the compromisers, the RINOs, the radical corrupt
Democrats, and the national media that have either ignored him or pilloried him
for his “David vs. Goliath” stances on important issues.
This tells me he will do everything in his power as
President to keep his promises to the American people. His views are what he really believes; part
of who he is as a person.
Unlike Trump, motivated by ego and greed his whole life, and
Rubio, inexperienced and pliable in order to gain RINO approval and money, Cruz
cares only to be faithful to God, the Constitution, and the American people.
He is a leader in the mold of Washington, Adams, Jefferson,
Madison, Lincoln, and Reagan.
But, is America worthy of him? We live in an age of phony “reality TV” and
self-absorbed narcissism. That’s why
guys like Obama, Sanders, and Trump have done so well – they have all appealed
to America’s lowest common denominators.
Will the American electorate realize the desperate hour in
which our nation finds itself?
We have tried it the RINO way – “go along to get along” –
which has resulted in a 20 trillion dollar debt; massive fraud and corruption
at all levels of government, and constantly receding freedoms once guaranteed
all Americans.
We have tried it the Obama/Trump way of doing things –
violating U.S. Constitutional law in order to push a personal agenda despite
the law. (Be sure of this – a right-wing
despot [Trump] will be just as damaging to America as a left-wing despot
[Obama] has been.)
Given America’s lousy, left-wing educational system over the
past 70 years, most Americans have no idea what their rights are as Americans
and have very little understanding of the Constitution and the form of
government it has given us.
If America becomes a nation of “personalities” rather than a
nation of laws, we will come to a pitiful end.
In that regard, I am not a fan of Ted Cruz because of his
personality. I am a huge supporter of
him because of his message – the message of American freedom and Constitutional
He is working to protect the rights of all Americans in this
election because he is the only candidate in either Party that is putting the
Constitution first and foremost before any personal goals or ambitions.
The stakes for this nation could not be any higher. He is right that the next President will significantly
alter the direction of the Supreme Court, possibly forever.
If we don’t get more conservative, strict-constructionist,
Constitutional-originalists on the Court, all of our rights will be gone
Ted Cruz is the only candidate we can trust to find the best
and brightest Constitutional jurists to appoint.
Cruz has proven his commitment to life, to natural marriage,
and our right to “keep and bear arms.”
If we value our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, as
well as all the others, he is the only choice we can make to be assured those
rights are protected.
I have written months ago about my problems with Trump –
- so I will spend no more time discussing the myriad of
problems with supporting him; except for this – no one who is truly pro-life
can praise Planned Parenthood and their massive murder and dead baby organ
trafficking schemes as Trump has repeatedly done now.
As a Christian citizen of America, I take my responsibility
to participate in our nation’s government and political process seriously. I recently published an updated version of my
book that urges Christians to get involved – Yes! We STILL Can Turn This Nation Around! – as a way to encourage,
guide, and challenge all Christians to become active.
It is of critical importance to me that we have an honest man of God, if at all possible, leading our nation. In 2016, Ted Cruz is that man – the best choice we have as Christians.
It is true that his campaign has made its share of mistakes
– all long-term political campaigns do.
But, what I’ve seen in Cruz is a man who will own up to those mistakes
and correct them when they happen. That
is the mark of a true Christian leader; not perfection, but accountability.
This is woefully lacking in all of the other candidates.
Ben Carson is a fine man, but I was sorely disappointed in
his continued whining about the self-inflicted mistake he made in Iowa. Does anyone really think he would have won
Iowa if he wasn’t vague to CNN about his immediate political future?
And, now that he has contradicted everything he said he
stood for by endorsing the candidate least similar to the “civility” he urged
all the candidates to practice, I realize that Dr. Carson either has been a
hypocrite all along or he has had some kind of serious disconnect in his psyche
between who he was prior to endorsing Trump and coming out after pretending the
past hasn’t happened.
Trump and Rubio, when cornered on their actual words and
records by Cruz have launched into petty, name-calling tirades against Cruz
instead of coming clean about their shifting positions on important issues.
Is this who we want in the white House – another
Clinton-type denier of reality every time they are caught in their own
Not me. No thank
you. I want someone who is honest enough
to admit their mistakes and take corrective actions – just like we all must in
our relationship with the Lord.
Those who believe they haven’t sinned and don’t need to
repent to receive God’s forgiveness and restoration will be damned to Hell.
Christian leaders who overlook this crucial aspect of
salvation are false prophets at their heart.
Jesus loves all people and will forgive any sins, but He
will never condone and excuse sin.
Liberals and shallow Christians love to quote Matthew 7:1 - “Judge not, that you be not
judged.” – as their rationale for never criticizing others for their behavior.
But, in the
very same chapter of Matthew, Jesus makes seemingly contradictory statements
such as Matthew 7:6: -
“Do not give
what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample
them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.”
and Matthew
7:15-20: -
“Beware of
false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are
ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their
fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears
good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad
fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear
good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you
will know them.”
passages put Matthew 7:1 into its proper context. We have every right to evaluate the behavior
of other professing Christians; especially those who seek to become leaders
over us.
We are not superior, or sinless ourselves,
but we also should never excuse sin or sinful attitudes. Even when Jesus forgave the woman caught
in adultery in John 8, his final parting advice to her warns her
about her condition – John 8:10-11: -
“When Jesus
had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman,
where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said,
“No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do
I condemn you; go and sin no
My point is that we Christians need to be extremely prudent and wise in who we support for the most powerful job in the world – President of the United States. We need to thoroughly look at our choices and base our decisions not on any particular feelings or sound bites, but on reason, logic, and Godly wisdom.
In past elections we have had only had poor choices. This election, that is not true.
We have a candidate who measures up to the Bible on every issue stance he takes. He has a personal life that is largely devoid of scandal and contradiction.
He has endured massive attacks from sources who also hate us and our beliefs; and he has not only survived those mud-slinging efforts, but has used them to further stand for the truth and his Christian faith.
No wonder the RINOs, the Democrats, the national media, and the radical left all hate him – they know he is for real and will not be bought off or back down from what he believes.
In short, if America is to turn back from the cliff of destruction, we need Ted Cruz leading us, as God’s instrument, to restore America to its special place in history and the world.
No one else running is capable of making this happen.
If we love God, our families, our homes, our freedoms, and our nation, we Christians really have no other choice to make.
Ted Cruz may well be this American generation’s “indispensable man.”