Sunday, June 24, 2018
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Friday, June 1, 2018
Is Evangelicalism Losing Its Soul?
A serious growing trend is happening today within the Evangelical
Church. Under the guise of correcting
perceived “wrongs”, far too many leaders in the Church today are calling for
repentance, changes, and re-alignments with theology and practices that are
little more than 1960s Liberation Theology re-warmed.
We are seeing the Christian feminists demanding greater
access to the “old boys club” (at least that’s how they perceive it) of
denominational leadership.
We are seeing whole conferences devoted to racial
reconciliation and even some form of “spiritual reparations.”
We are seeing hand-wringing over the need to reach out
further and become more “woke” (read – relevant) to Millennials in order to get
them to want to come to church.
And, more examples could be given.
But, the point is – the Church today is becoming far more
fractious that it has been in decades because of these “self-improvement”
As someone who lived through this similar period in the main
line Protestant Church in the 1960s and 70s, it is strikingly similar. As Solomon said, “There is nothing new under
the sun.”
The results in the main line Church from these disparate
groups demanding “equal” (read – privileged) status were a further slide from orthodoxy
in theology and a church structure and function that became a lame attempt at
being social welfare agencies.
The main line Church is theologically ridiculous today. It has also hemorrhaged members by the
millions since then. Political
correctness has all but destroyed the Gospel message and the rumble of feet
leaving the church buildings has been deafening.
So, what is happening in the modern Evangelical Church? Perhaps Paul’s warning in Romans 12:2 is no
longer being heeded. The Church is being
conformed to the world instead of being transformed by minds that are renewed
by the Holy Spirit.
Every group with perceived grievances is now coming forward
to attack a basically weak, compromised leadership. Power abhors a vacuum and
we are seeing those more than willing to fill it.
Whether it is the feminists demanding to become
denominational heads; whether it is minority advocates demanding national days
of repentance for past sins; and whether it is non-experienced Millennial spokesmen
demanding the Church soften positions on traditional marriage, transgender
psychosis, and irrational crushes on socialism, all of these groups want a
bigger piece of the pie and bigger seats at the table.
Tragically, the end result will be no different than it was
in the 60s and 70s – the Evangelical Church will lose its “salt” and “light”
and simply become another trendy hashtag movement with no real transformative
Let’s be blunt here.
The Bible only talks about two “groups” as far as humanity goes.
The first group is “All.”
“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
That’s right, all people, regardless of background, family, ethnicity,
gender, socioeconomic stature, or education, are “All” fallen, sinful beings in
need of a Savior.
There is no such thing as “group privilege” that excuses
anyone from this fallen designation.
Everyone is accountable for their own personal behavior before a Holy
This first comprehensive designation destroys all of the “aggrieved
group“ arguments of those advocating for special relief and special privileges
based on group identity.
The second group is “Whosoever.” “Whosoever believes in Him shall not perish,
but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) This truth also states that all people,
regardless of background, family, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic stature, or
education, can indeed find salvation from fallen, sinful natures via faith in
the world’s only Savior – Jesus Christ.
Once again, there is no group designation of privilege
here. Every individual human who wants
to be saved by Jesus is welcome to come and receive His forgiveness and eternal
God is not a respecter of persons or of groups when it comes
to salvation. Jesus made that very clear
in John 14:6. He is THE only way to
God. Anyone who wants His salvation is
welcome to it if they repent and believe.
I once heard an old preacher say one time, “God has no
grandchildren.” That is absolutely
true. Salvation is graciously given to
anyone who wants it. But, it will not be
given on behalf of anyone else or be based on the external circumstances of the
What it comes down to today is that far too many in the Evangelical
Church have departed from this simple Gospel message. This Marxist-inspired tribalism that seeks to
divide us into sub-groups within the Church, all clamoring for power and
attention, is nothing short of a plot from Satan to keep us weak and ineffective.
We have mega churches today with high tech production
values, yet we are losing our culture to atheistic, perverse, death-loving, narcissists. We have federal judges who are making laws
from the bench that defy reality and create more and more cultural confusion.
We have prosperity preachers praying for $45 million dollar
jets and, at the same time, have young, scared single mothers leaving their
babies in garbage dumpsters and in forests; if they don’t just abort them.
It is high time the Church abandon its insecurities of past
perceived slights and get back to focusing on what the Lord has already
commanded us to be – Jesus’ voice, hands, and feet in the world.
It is only God’s Word that should dictate our faith, not
some sociological constructs created by 60s radicals in liberal universities.
Our children are being radicalized by the perverse in
schools. Those in power flaunt their
abuse of women by promising to abort their babies for free. An ever-growing government is continuing to
shrink our basic, God-given freedoms.
And, the “tolerance police” are destroying lives and businesses by the
scores in their less than subtle tyranny efforts.
So, how do we recover our place in society as the voice of
conscience, morality, and forgiveness?
We crucify our “group flesh” and focus on the Lordship of Jesus first
and foremost. We preach His simple,
Biblical Gospel for all to hear.
We return to the Biblical (and scientific) truth that we are
all basically the same humanity. (There
is only one human species.) Yes, we have
cultural, ethnic, and worship differences (even some theological ones, as
well), but we all fit into one of the two aforementioned “groups.”
We are either in the “All” lost category. Or, we are in the “Whosoever” category –
belonging to Jesus as one of God’s children.
Demanding anything beyond that is selfish and sinful!
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