The news headlines were splashed all across the media this
week – "Donald Trump Meets with 1000 Evangelical Leaders."
Social media flamed with story after story about this
so-called “historic” meeting with the top Christian leaders in America and the
presumptive Republican Presidential nominee.
After the meeting, many of these so-called “Christian leaders”
were almost glowing in their recollection of getting to meet “the Donald” in
Jerry Falwell, Jr. and his wife even tweeted a picture of
standing with Trump – giving a thumbs up.
It wasn’t until later that someone noticed that Trump had maneuvered the
unsuspecting Falwells right in front of his wall of magazine covers with the
now notorious Playboy cover prominently featured. (More on that hypocrisy later.)
But, why would so many sincere sober Christian leaders
volunteer to appear at Trump’s “dog and pony show”?
As far as was reported, no really tough questions were asked
of Mr. Trump. Questions such as:
Why hasn’t he released his tax returns like
every other Presidential candidate since 1980 has done? (His media excuse about being audited has
been thoroughly debunked by now.)
How can he be trusted to be pro-life when he has
glowingly praised the leading source of inter-womb child murder in America –
Planned Parenthood?
How can he be trusted to follow the Constitution
when many of his debate statements were just as Constitutionally illegal as
those of President Obama with his magic “executive order pen”?
How can he proclaim to be a champion of both
religious freedom in America and a champion of the radical LGBT movement at the
same time? (Remember, he said it was the
right thing to put Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis in jail for refusing to sign
a “same sex” marriage license.)
There are many more questions that could have and should
have been asked, but my suspicion is that things were tightly controlled – like
all Trump events. With the likes of
Trump sycophants Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson organizing and running the event,
they were unlikely to allow anything damaging to happen to their cherished
choice for President.
This is just as true of the guest list. For example, conspicuously absent from the
crowd were HSLDA’s Mike Farris and Iowa radio talk show host and political
activist Steve Deace. Since they were
seen as too critical of Trump, they were persona
non grata.
What also was obvious is that this was a typical Trump set
up from the beginning. Now that he is
fading in the polls and claims to have no money, Trump desperately needs
evangelicals to come on board if he is to have any kind of remote chance of
winning in November.
But, Trump is not the typical politician to show up “with
his hat in his hand.” He needs to appear
in control at all times (That’s why he stopped debating – he couldn’t control
the narrative on the debate stage.)
Trump’s desire for control was seen in the logistics of the
meeting. Everyone had to come to his
headquarters – Trump Tower in NYC. And,
they all needed to pay their own way there.
This is 180 degrees out of phase as to how things should
have happened. Trump should have
traveled to meet with these leaders on their turf. After all, he’s the one looking for their support,
votes, and money.
His arrogance refused to allow him to appear as the employee
seeking the job of President. And, the
gullible evangelical leaders were all too accommodating to his narrative. They should have withheld support and
enthusiasm until he proved himself to them, not slobbered over his invitation
like “Let’s Make a Deal” contestants picked by Monty Hall!

What was amazing is that here was a man seeking support from the Christian community for his Presidential bid and that same man lied directly to the faces of 1000 Christian leaders!
Trump stated that he got a majority of the evangelical vote in the southern Primaries. The actual truth is that Trump got around 35% of the evangelical vote. 2/3 of Christian voters voted against him.
What is even more amazing is that none - absolutely none of these Christian leaders called him out on that huge lie!!
It seems far too many of these so-called “Christian leaders”
were more than willing to give Trump a pass on just about all of his past and present real ethical problems as
long as he said a few “magic” words to them at the meeting. Words such as:
Conservative Supreme Court nominees
Religious freedom
America first
“I’m a tremendous believer.”
But, the sad reality and absolute truth at work here is that
“a leopard cannot change its spots.” Trump
was simply working “The Art of the Deal” with a mostly gullible, inexperienced
group of sincere men and women who desperately want a voice in this year’s
Presidential race.
And, they want that voice so badly; they are willing to
compromise their own Biblical standards to mistakenly pursue it.
A few leaders spoke glowingly of Trump’s “Christian”
faith. Never mind he can’t ever remember
asking the Lord to forgive his sins.
Never mind he isn’t active in any church. Never mind his past is full of very
anti-Christian causes and behavior.
Now, keep in mind that these people pontificating that
we mustn’t judge Trump are the same people who hold high evaluatory standards
for anyone they employ in their ministries (and rightly so).
But, just like many Trump voters, facts really don’t seem to
matter. Trump has made an emotional
connection with his supporters and that’s all that’s important.
This is just like every confidence artist and corrupt TV
preacher has ever done – hook people emotionally and fleece them for all they
are worth.
Anyone with the vision and common sense to point out the
hypocrisy is seen as a traitor.
These times are really no different than the times of
Jeremiah. The people want their ears
tickled by the false prophets so they don’t have to face the cold hard reality
of their sin. A man speaking the simple
truth today is just as likely as Jeremiah was to be put into a pit to shut them
When all of this comes crashing down (and it will because
God won’t be mocked), everyone who slobbered over Trump will see their
ministries and reputations completely ruined.
It is a tragedy waiting to happen.
Some like Falwell, Jr. have become so compromised already
they are hardly recognizable as Christian leaders any more.
Instead of apologizing to the Body of Christ for allowing
himself to be seen as promoting pornography – with the previously mentioned
Twitter picture - Falwell has attacked his critics.
This just doubles his hypocrisy given that his father –
Jerry Falwell, Sr. - rightly condemned Playboy as the “gateway” pornography it
My how the times have changed – from Moral Majority to moral
relativism in just one generation!
Let me just end with one piece of advice from the Apostle
Paul from 1 Timothy 3:1,6 –
“It is a trustworthy statement: if
any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to
do. 6 and not a new convert, so that he will not
become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil.” (NASB)
If Paul warned about placing a new
believer into a leadership position in the church, how much more relevant is it
for a newcomer to the faith not to be granted the most powerful job in the
world – President of the United States?
Even if Trump does now believe, as many
claim, he has little fruit to show for it so far.
In fact, even his recent behavior has been quite carnal and pagan.
Why any Christian leader would jeopardize their integrity and
the integrity of the Gospel to prop up someone who is far from ideal for the
office of President is beyond me.
We must accept the fact that we had an opportunity to
promote and support a solid mature Christian with government and Constitutional
experience to be our President, but far too many Christians sold their
birthright for a pot of “promise to make America great stew.”
Now, we are not obligated to fix the coming mess. In fact, those who helped to create it need to
learn a very valuable lesson about being a Christian in the world of politics.
Jesus’s advice is very relevant here and a lesson many still
need to learn – Matthew 10:16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep
in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.” (NASB)
I fear far too many of the gathered
evangelicals were little more than a flock of sheep easily devoured by the
biggest wolf of them all!